Lexmark Pro715 Driver Download – Lexmark Pro715 prints, scans, copies, faxes and can be integrated via WLAN, Ethernet and USB. For improved printouts, the cartridge technology Vizix 2.0. The new design and the decent printing speed of the Lexmark Pro715 leave a positive impression, but if you look at the optics once, the core is almost a copy of the prevailing Pro705.
This printer received excellent notes for its simple control panel and high-quality prints. The Lexmark PRO715 offers solid performance, good basic equipment and delivers good print results with the new generation of cartridges, but does not include features such as a card reader or Cloudprinting. The Lexmark app is available for iOS devices (Apple iphone, ipod Touch and ipad) as well as devices with the Android operating system (smartphones and Tablet PCs). To set up: Go to the App Store and download the Lexmark Mobile printing app to your mobile device. Then start the app to get connect with Lexmark PRO715.
There are now several ways to connect the Lexmark PRO715 printer and your mobile device. The simplest is to have the app search your Wi-Fi network. If a compatible device is present, the connection is made. You can also use the camera of the mobile phone to hold the QR code on the printer and automatically transfer the printer information. The computer is not used in any way. On this page, you can download Lexmark PRO715 driver for maintenance your printer and get all features work with your computer.

Lexmark Pro715 Driver Supported OS
- Windows (Windows 10 32bit (x86) | Windows 10 64bit (x64) | Windows 8.1 32bit (x86) | Windows 8.1 64bit (x64) | Windows 8 32bit (x86) | Windows 8 64bit (x64) | Windows 7 32bit (x86) | Windows 7 64bit (x64) | Windows Vista 32bit (x86) | Windows Vista 64bit (x64) | Windows XP)
- Macintosh (Mac OS X 10.12 | Mac OS X 10.11 | Mac OS X 10.10 | Mac OS X 10.9 | Mac OS X 10.8 | Mac OS X 10.7 | Mac OS X 10.6)
- Linux (Debian | Ubuntu | and others Linux Distro)
How to install Lexmark Pro715 Driver printer on a Windows
- Connect your Lexmark Pro715 printer to a Windows PC you and make sure the printer is turned on in the State. If your printer includes a printer wireless, turn on the Lexmark Pro715 printer and select one of the available connection methods. If the automatic connection method (auto connect) is available, select that method.
- Download the latest driver for Lexmark Pro715 you have and install on your Windows PC you wish. After successful driver installed, reboot Your Windows.
- Open the Settings by clicking Settings icon on the Start menu or by pressing the Windows key + I simultaneously. the Settings window opens, click the Devices icon.
- Click Printers & scanners. If the Printer driver in step 2 is already successfully installed, then the printer should you have entered into the list of Printers & scanners.
- If the Lexmark Pro715 already appears on the list, click the printer and then click Set as default to make the printer being printers used.
How to install Lexmark Pro715 Driver Printer on a Mac OS X
- Click System Preferences menu then choice Print & Fax.
- Click on this (+) symbol to add a printer.
- Available printers will appear, if does Lexmark Pro715 not appear, you need to install the driver first, then select your printer model. or you can select dropdown to select a Lexmark Pro715 driver. You will have a few Options to choose from. Select PCL (pcl5 or pcl6), postscript, or zpl unless printer specifies differently.
- Open up office software then select File and Page Setup (you can do on Microsoft word).
- In page Setup change Format for to your installed printer driver and Select Drop Down for Paper Size. or based on your formatting.
- Word will show you the Paper size you created. Now you can put Test Print to test. Go to File Print.
- You have setup your Lexmark Pro715 Printer on Mac OS X and Successfully Printed a test print.
Download Lexmark Pro715 Printer Driver
Lexmark Pro715 Driver Windows 32Bit
Description: Lexmark_Pro710_Series_ADI_Win_32_HBP.exe Download
Size: 25.67 MB
Lexmark Pro715 Driver Windows 64Bit
Description: Lexmark_Pro710_Series_ADI_Win_64_HBP.exe Download
Size: 27.61 MB
Lexmark Pro715 Driver for Mac
Description: Pro710Series_Print_1.1.0_10.6orLater_forIntel.dmg Download
Version: 1.1.0
File Size: 30.64 MB

Printer Forum shares about drivers and solutions for printer devices. We index the driver download link directly from the official support.